Last weekend was the company BBQ. This is the second annual BBQ. Last year, I discovered that I like volleyball. This year I was smiling for two days from the high of playing the sport and was sad when everyone else decided not to play anymore.
The annual picnic is always a blast. Everyone gets together and talks about life instead of work. All of us desk jockeys get up and throw frisbees and softballs. The kids have a water balloon fight. The kids? The adults helped. The adults had to help, the balloons bounced. The balloons bounced. I had one bounce off my head, one bounced off my neck, and one bounced off my chest. When they pop, you get wet. When they bounce, you get hurt. Wimp.
As much as I love the annual picnic, it is one of the hardest moments in my life as a diabetic. I thought you liked food and talking. The issue with being a diabetic at the company picnic is that hotdog buns, potato salad, chips, and beer are all made of carbohydrates. As a diabetic that means I either walk around with my insulin pin sticking out of stomach, remember to shoot up right before I eat anything, or forget that I am diabetic for the day. So what did you do. I took option number 4. I ate very little and checked my sugar every hour. Every hour until the end of the day.
Then it happened. There were only a few us left. We cleaned up the trash and put everything away. The garbage went into the trunk of my car. I placed my phone and glucometer on the roof. We all sat around chit-chatting a bit more, and I forgot what I had done. The boss borrowed my keys to take the trash to a dump and once the car was out of sight, I remembered where I had placed my phone and my glucometer. Great timing. When the car returned, I could see something was on top of it, but only one something. I walked to the car and found the the leather case on my phone had allowed the phone to stick to the roof in the heat. Apparently the cloth case on my glucometer had allowed it to slide right off the top. I looked down the road and saw something laying on the side of the road in the distance. It looked as though it may have just fallen on the side of the road and everything would be okay. That doesn’t make sense though. The car was moving straight; the glucometer was on the roof; the glucometer would have fallen off the back. Which means… Which means, in order for me to see it on the side of the road, something had to have put it there.
Apparently, in a battle between a motor vehicle and a glucometer… …the glucometer doesn’t stand a chance. The glucometer gets replaced. Now I have a new glucometer. Ah, the adventurous life a diabetic.